
beasiswa KAIST
KAIST Scholarship 2017

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is offering a fully funded scholarship for international students. The scholarship is available to pursue an undergraduate programme for spring and fall 2017 intake. The main objective of the scholarship is to provide high quality, comprehensive educational and training opportunities that are compatible to changing needs of the students. More…


Pohang University of Science and Technology or POSTECH is a private university located in Pohang, South Korea dedicated to research and education in science and technology. In 2012-2014, the Times Higher Education ranked POSTECH 1st in its “100 Under 50 Young Universities” rankings. POSTECH admits approximately 300 More…

beasiswa korea (saungkorea.com)
GU President Schoarship

Kabar baik buat kamu pencari beasiswa, ada beasiswa dari GU atau Gachon University. GU punya tiga kampus. Kampus global ada di Seongnam, kampus satelit di Pulau Ganghwa dan Yeonsu-dong, dan School of Medicine di Guwol-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon.

GU punya banyak ‘college’, diantaranya College of Humanities, College of Law, College of Engineering, sampe College of Oriental Medicine. Kalo kamu mau tau lebih banyak tentang perguruan tinggi ini, kamu bisa cek ke website resminya di sini. Langsung aja ya ke informasinya. Ini kutipan langsung dari pengumuman beasiswa GU : More…

Inha Techincal College (saungkorea.com)
Inha Technical College

Kabar baik buat yang pengen dapet beasiswa ke Korea. Inha Technical College buka kesempatan untuk mereka yang pengen belajar tentang Airline Service Management dan Aircraft Cabin Service Management. Buat yang belum tau, Inha Technical College bertempat di Incheon. Di sana ada 10 fakultas, diantaranya facultas teknik mesin, teknik sistem komputer, ilmu desain, fakultas bahasa asing, arsitektur, sampai teknik lingkungan. Cek info di bawah kalo mau tau lebih tentang Inha Technical College :
