NIIED is excited to announce the application guidelines of the 2018 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Degrees.
The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to announce the “26th AKS Summer Program for International Students.” As an important part of our mission is to cultivate young leaders, who can contribute to the development of Korean studies, the academy has organized an intensive summer program for international undergraduate students in Korean studies. This program is composed of various components, such as special lectures on Korea, intensive Korean language course, field trips, excursions, and traditional cultural activities. More…
Beasiswa KGSP 2018 | Pemerintah Korea, melalui Kedutaan Besar Republik Korea, mengundang pelajar Indonesia yang ingin mengambil program sarjana di Korea.
It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold the[Online Education Fair – Korea 2017] for international students. More…
2017 ODA Full Scholarship for International Students Information More…
Beasiswa KGSP 2017 | Pemerintah Korea, melalui Kedutaan Besar Republik Korea, mengundang pelajar Indonesia yang ingin mengambil program pasca sarjana di Korea.
Ujian universitas di Korea baru aja lewat, tapi tau nggak kamu kalau ada budaya unik untuk memberikan hadiah pada peserta. Ada hadiah berupa bantal leher, alat tulis, cermin, sampai obat herbal yang dibungkus dengan kertas emas! 수험생들 행운을 빌어요 ^^
The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to announce the “24th AKS Summer Program for International Students.”
Korean government invites 815 international students from 167 countries who wish to pursue MA or PHD in Korea. To be selected as a KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program) grantee, any applicant should More…
Korean government invites 120 international students from 66 countries who wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Korea. To be selected as a KGSP grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean embassies of his or her origin. More…