KOICA atau Korea International Cooperation Agency didirikan pada tahun 1991 oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Korea Selatan sebagai organisasi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas program bantuan hibah Korea Selatan untuk negara-negara berkembang. Dan KOICA di Indonesia merilis informasi tentang studi program master di Korea. Langsung aja simak kutipan informasinya :
This is KOICA Indonesia Office.
We are very glad to inform that this year’s Master’s Degree Program is finally out.
Courses Available
(** KOICA Master Degree scholarship is only available for government official under bilateral cooperation between government of indonesia and south korea.)
This program includes many types of courses and then you can select the best institution and curriculum in Korea. Plus, learning about Korean culture comes as a bonus.
The application for other degree courses are now available at KOICA Indonesia Office. Please let us know your desired degree courses and we will share the needed documents. Each degree course has its own application.
If there are any inquires, please contact the following addresses :