Kabar baik buat kamu pencari beasiswa, ada beasiswa dari GU atau Gachon University. GU punya tiga kampus. Kampus global ada di Seongnam, kampus satelit di Pulau Ganghwa dan Yeonsu-dong, dan School of Medicine di Guwol-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon.
GU punya banyak ‘college’, diantaranya College of Humanities, College of Law, College of Engineering, sampe College of Oriental Medicine. Kalo kamu mau tau lebih banyak tentang perguruan tinggi ini, kamu bisa cek ke website resminya di sini. Langsung aja ya ke informasinya. Ini kutipan langsung dari pengumuman beasiswa GU :
1. Scholarship Title : GU President Scholarship
2. Number of Scholarship Recipient : One student per each country based on the recommendation of Korean Embassy
3. Application Schedule: same as the schedule for the international student admission.

4. Scholarship Offers :
1) Full tuition for the entire undergraduate degree program
2) Partial scholarship for the entire dormitory charge (KRW100,000 per month)
3) Health insurance during the time of study
* Students need to pay for the airfare and room & board on their own.
* The cost for on-campus room & board is approximately KRW 500,000 per month.
5. Application Qualifications :
1) Applicant and both his/her parents are not citizens of Korea.
2) Applicant must have completed 12 years of formal education programs which are equivalent to primary and secondary education in Korea.
6. Other Qualification: If selected as a scholarship recipient, s/he must apply and be accepted to Gachon University in order to receive the GU President Scholarship.
* Please read '2014 Admissions Guidelines for International Students' for admission details.
7. Required Documents:
1) One (1) completed application form
2) Two (2) passport photos (3.5 * 4.5cm)
3) Copies of applicant and both parents’ ID cards and passports
4) Proof of family relationship notarized in English
5) Certificate of your bank account’s deposit balance (minimum US$5,000 required)
6) Copy of English or Korean language proficiency test result
– TOPIK level 3 or above
– TOEFL iBT 80(CBT 210, PBT 550), IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550 or above
(for English taught program applicants)
7) Certificate of high school graduation and official transcripts
8) Certificate of final education
※ All documents must be submitted with Korean translations if they are written and issued in languages other than Korean or English, and notarized by the Korean consul general in the applicable country or region before submission.
9) Letter recommendation from the diplomatic office
8. International Student Admission for Undergraduate Program:
Please read the '2014 Admissions Guidelines for International Students' or visit OIA website at (http://oia.gachon.ac.kr).
9. Applicant Submission
A. Scan the entire required documents and submit them via e-mail below.
B. Submit the original documents via express mail to the address below.

10. Remarks
1) Scholarship recipients should meet the conditions below while studying at GU. If failed, the scholarship payment will discontinue.
– Take minimum 12 credits per semester.
– Meet the GPA 2.0/4.5.
– Do not get involved in any kinds of political activities.
– Do not be submitted to disciplinary measures from GU.
– Do not violate the law and be punished with a fine or other punishment more than a fine.
– Do not get employed in Korea.
– Do not violate GU regulations and the contents in the pledge form.
2) GU President Scholarship recipients must finish the degree program at Gachon University. If the recipient quits the program, s/he must make a full refund of all scholarship received
3) Applicants should provide accurate contact information and check the e-mail frequently during the period of application submission and selection. Applicants are responsible for disadvantages occurred for not checking the information sent via email.
4) If the details on the application and the submitted documents are not true, the admission will be canceled.
11. Q & A